Strategy - Circularity

Strategy – Circularity

Circular economy is only a means to an end. The transition to a circular economy can help address a range of environmental and social challenges, including climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality. By reducing waste and pollution, a circular economy can help to mitigate the impacts of climate change and protect biodiversity. It can also help to conserve natural resources, such as water and minerals, by keeping them in use for longer.  




Our services 

1. Circularity measurement: Measuring inflow and outflow of resources to determine a baseline for circularity. 
2. Circular product design: Designing for R strategies, including the design of products with circular principles such as reducing material use and designing for repair and reuse. 
3. Circular business model: Support in incorporating circular principles such as product leasing, service concepts, take-backs, and sharing economy concepts. 
4. Circular supply chain: Creating a circular supply chain by means of reverse logistics, reprocessing operations, and supply and demand matching 
Feel free to contact us via our email to learn more about our services and how we can help your business transition to a circular economy. 


Any questions? Feel free to contact us.

Nishant Parekh